"The rules of the Brussels Bar forbid the public disclosure of the identity of clients either directly or through the disclosure of the details of a matter.
As a result, our lists of relevant work provide examples of on-going or recent representations
in general terms only."
State Aid
Advising a French association of renewable energy producers on the existence of State aid in the regulated national rates for the purchase of their electricity, and assisting the association in its successful regulatory advocacy before the national and EU authorities, which led to the replacement of the old system with an EU compatible regime.
Assisting a client in successful international arbitration proceedings resulting in a finding of absence of
State aid.
Assisting a client in its ultimately successful and groundbreaking challenge against a European Commission decision finding that illegal aid was granted.
Representing, before the EU General Court, a leading low fares airline in its challenge against the Irish Air Travel Tax. The Court has annulled the Commission decision that had cleared part of that tax.
Assisting a client in filing a State aid complaint against a Member State regarding a social security measure.
Advising a financial services client on an emergency government guarantee's implications under
EU State aid law.
Litigation – Representing a major airline in several actions before the Court of First Instance of the European Communities for the annulment of multiple decisions by the European Commission refusing access to documents relating to State aid investigations
Litigation – Representing a client before the Court of First Instance of the European Communities in a challenge against the legality of two European Commission decisions regarding the grant of State aid to
a competitor.
Submitting observations on behalf of clients in response to invitations for comments by the European Commission in State aid investigations.