Fixed: + 33 1 44 90 47 94
Mobile: +33 6 73 39 64 76
Bar admissions :
Education :
Université Paris II Panthéon Assas and Université Paris XI in France and University of Marbourg in Germany
ISIT (Institut Supérieur d’Interprétariat et de Traduction de Paris)
Languages :
French, German and English
Caroline Gögler is a specialist in French labor and social security law as well as commercial law.
She advises and represents both companies and employees in individual labour law matters (employment contracts, working time, discipline, dismissal, negotiated departure, retirement, etc.) as well as collective labour law matters (redundancy plans, personnel representative elections, business transfers, etc.), and in matters involving criminal labour law, the management of occupational accidents and illnesses, and intellectual property law.
She has ample experience in litigation before civil, commercial and criminal courts and associated procedural issues.
Caroline has a French and German legal education and German is one of her mother tongues, which allows her to be of particular help to German clients. She has advised companies from the US, Ireland, Switzerland, Austria, and Spain.
Caroline teaches German business law at Sorbonne University in Paris and has taught labour law at Université Paris 13.
She regularly publishes articles on labor law subjects in Revue Fiduciaire - Social
* Collaboration based on a network agreement (correspondance organique).